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The Brewery

Just Great Beer

Our founders knew a great deal about beer and constructed the brewing plant using many items of dairy equipment, which provides very high-quality stainless-steel vessels designed to be kept scrupulously clean.

Details matter to us. The choice of grain, the right hops, the brewers skill all go into producing our fine range of beers and ales that are created for publicans and pub goers alike.

Even our brewing room itself is designed to be perfect for a small brewery with cold rooms and concrete floors to keep everything the way it should be. For us small is beautiful and it makes us exceptionally competitive.

The brewing process - the 3 easy steps to making our beer

1 - Quality Ingredients

Buy the finest raw ingredients. Maris otter the best malted barley variety. Hops from England, Germany, America, Slovakia, and New Zealand - vacuum packed for freshness. Water is the naturally soft and sweet Bradford water.

2 - Expertise

Dan Gent, one of the orginal founders of The Salamander Brewing Company, has professional brewing qualifications and a brewing-related PhD. He worked as a head brewer for other companies before setting up in Bradford. He spends a lot of time tasting and tweaking recipes to perfect our brews.

3 - Good Beer Keeping

Tanks and casks are kept scrupulously clean and sterile. This ensures ullage (spoilt beer) is almost non-existent and the beer in casks lasts far longer than the 6 weeks shelf life. All the beer stored in conditioning tanks and casks is held at cellar temperature.